Our foundation is creating a documentary about the power of breathwork.  All proceeds go to support the activities of the foundation in helping more and more people learn this invaluable practice.

There is nothing more foundational to all life than breathing.  Our existence is dependent on the breaths we take. We are born knowing how to breathe and we can control our breath at any moment. It’s the first thing we do entering this world and the last as we depart.  Breathing nourishes our bodies, removes toxins, prepares us for battle and calms us when we need it.

What if HOW we breathe holds the secret to unlock greater health and well-being?  What if a simple technique could open the door to physical, emotional, and spiritual revitalization, radically improving our lives in just minutes?

Just Breathe tells the story of one man who set out to cure his own illness and in the process tapped into the amazing power of the breath. The power to transform lives, heal without drugs, without therapies, just by tapping into the power of breathwork - something that everyone on the planet has the capability to do and why fortune 500 companies are willing to adopt this unique technique.